Sunday, February 20, 2011

LIAR by Justine Larbalestier

I came by this book by chance. This book was very interesting and different compared to the way other books are written (this is what kept me reading). This book did have parts where I was eager to know what happens next but not as much as I hoped. Out of 10 I would rate this book a 7/10.

This story is told by a 17year old girl named Micah. It is set in the past when apartheid did not exist but being black seemed to others that you were not as wealthy as a white person. Micah lives with her African dad and French mum in a small apartment. She is known to be a LIAR. Lying comes as easy to her as breathing. This is because when she is 10, she finds out what she really is. She learns to keep her families secret and lies to cover it up. She isn't like anyone else; she has what she calls "the family illness". Being both a liar and having this illness doesn't help Micah with her social life. She is invisible in high school and enjoys the fact that no one pays attention to her simply because she doesn't want to explain why she is so different.
When her boyfriend Zach (that no one knows about), dies under brutal circumstances the shock is enough to set her straight. She doesn't lie as much as before and intends to confess all her lies.

This book made me realise just how much people actually do lie. I would recommend this book to teenagers (there is use of foul language), who are opened minded and looking for a something new and different to read.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds interesting. Where is the story set? I don't know this author. I wonder if there are any other books by her in the library?
