Sunday, August 21, 2011

the braided path: the weavers of saramyr by chris wooding

in this story society is ruled by a blood emperor or empress who is elected by all other noble families to rule saramyr. the nobles all communicate and command with the use of the weavers strange masked beings that have the power to manipulate the fabric of reality.

the weavers declare that the growing blight upon the land is a threat and any child who is born twisted or develops magical abilities is an aberration and must die.

this book makes use of many brilliant ideas that tell us what politics of the past must have been like because even though it is a fiction story behind every lie is a grain of truth and this book shows how ruthless people become when they are afraid of an on coming threat.

through the eyes of kaiku the main character who is an aberrant we see just how far people in charge can go when the pressure is on as she evades imperial guards, scared peasants and even monstrous demons sent by the weavers to exterminate her as she uncovers there secrets one by one.
this book had many twists and turns as the viewpoint quickly changes from kaiku to the nobles and from rebels to the weavers. the descriptive sentencing and explanation of the world around them is what sold this book to me. i recommend it from the library if you are looking for a challenge as all three books are there as one but be warned that it is an adult fiction book and less experienced readers may be overwhelmed.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds interesting Thomas and you have given it an enthusiastic review. It's nice to see you reading and recommending a challenging book. I hope someone else decides to read it.
