Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Stanley Yelnats Survival Guide to Camp Green Lake by Louis Sachar

Great and unique book! But before I carry on on how awesome this book is can someone please tell me why some peoples post on this blog doesn't show anything?O.O? Thanks.

Ok so as the title says, this book is a survival guide on how to survive in Camp Green Lake, it doesn't have one basic story that it focuses on, it's about Camp Green Lake in general and many different things and topics in Camp green Lake and how to survive in it. This book is very closely related to the book 'Holes' which many of my friends and teacher praises and talks about frequently and tells me to read it. I really should have read Holes before this book because it would give me background and information on what Camp Green Lake really is and the story behind the character that wrote the survival guide, Stanley Yelnats. I highly recommend reading Holes first before this book but if you are like me who is stubborn, you would still understand the setting of the camp and woudn't get confused. So Stanley (as Jan and Dj have told me), is a teenager who was in Camp Green Lake, which is a concentration camp in Texas where young boys would have to dig holes daily for some reason, the first thing that Stanley told me is to not to ask too many questions(so I guess I have to read Holes to find out why they have to dig these holes). This book is set out like a real survival guide and talks about different people and their personalities, rattlesnakes, tarantulas, lizards and many other things you need to know to survive through Stanleys eyes. But it is still set out in chapeters. It has a slight humour, which I enjoy very much and has questions once in a while which tests you about everyday things that happen in Camp Green Lake such as what to do if you see a tarantula or what are you supposed to do if your water bottle gets punctured. This is a very fun way to entertain readers.

This book was very interesting and different to most books. As I said, you would still understand the book even if you havn't read Holes because the author did a very good job in not getting you confused but at the same time not telling you too much so that you would crave to read holes. The survival guide was made by Stanley after the happenings in Holes so it would probably be better off to read Holes first. I would rate this book a 9 out of 10 and would reccomend it to almost every age level (8 and up) and would highly recommend it to those who have read Holes.

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