Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Banquo's Son BY T.K Roxborogh

After having trouble finding the right book in the library, I asked around if anyone knew a good book that I could read, that's when I came across this interesting book. It was the tittle that made me want to read it, but I found it quite confusing and to be honest many a time I wanted to stop reading it but as another twist or turn approached I found myself completely hooked again.
This story takes place in England and Scotland in the 9th century. So as you can guess, the language used in this book was probably that used at that time,in those places.So the story is about a young man named Fleance, who's father was the past Thane of Lochaber.At the start of the story he had just met the Love of his life, the one who he thinks he is meant to spend the rest of his life with. But slowly as the plot continues we learn that his parents, died brutally ten years earlier when he was eleven. And from then on he is plagued with the ghost of his father who is seeking revenge for his death. So just when his life starts to feel normal after so long of living/hiding out in England he has to pack up and move back to his home land of Scotland and finally deal with his forgotten past. This leads to a lot of twists and turns and by the end, this book I was in tears because I never saw the end coming and was completely frustrated by how things turned out for all the characters.
This book is amazing and I would recommend it to anyone as it deals with basically everything you can imagine; that is Fate, Love, Hope, Honour, Tragedy, (the affects/hard ships of) War and the confusing and unpredictable journey of life. I would give this book a 9/10.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you liked it Amanda. Are you reading the sequel? I have also read this book. I liked it because it is based on characters in Macbeth (the death of Banquo is a really important part of the play, and his ghost comes back to haunt the man responsible) I think there is also a third book coming sometime soon, so look out for it.
