Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The boy/friend by R.M. Corbet

I really liked this book and I must admit, the cover was what caught my eye(as usual) .. I would recommend it to any teenager looking for a good read. (by the way, if you haven't noticed; all my book reviews have something to do with romance) .. This book deserves a 8/10 ._.

Okay, so this book is basically about a girl named Maude and her best friend, Lou. They have been friends since they were young and like any other love story, they start developing some feelings for each other. At first, Maude doesn't realise it and keeps denying it but later on she starts getting stronger feelings for him. In my opinion a good love story should have arguments in it, and to tell you the truth, this book is full of arguments! . One minute, you think that Lou and Maude have finally gotten together, one of them ruins the moment and they're stuck at stage 1 ... AGAIN! Either way, I love this book. I love how it makes me laugh and how it actually seems realistic. If I were to say more stuff, the book would be ruined for the people that want to read it. Another thing a good book should have is... RIVALS! This book also has alot of that which make the book more interesting with all the misunderstandings everywhere.

If you ever decide to get this book, I promise you won't regret it :D

1 comment:

  1. Strangely enough, I have noticed that romance seems to dominate your reading life!! You certainly aren't the only one. I am reading a book that you might enjoy at the moment. I am only halfway through it but have been warned that it is very sad. I will pass it on to you when I finish if you are interested. It is written from a boy's point of view, which makes a nice change.
