Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Memoirs of Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin

Memoirs of Teenage Amnesiac is a novel written especially for teenage girls. The plot and pace is good, taking you to places that you don’t anticipate. The characters are realistic so I would give it a 7/10 though I was quite disappointed of how it ends. Sooo yeah.. :/

Naomi (the protagonist) wakes up with amnesia. She’s a junior in high school with no memories past the age of twelve. Her dad, Ace(boyfriend) and Will(best friend) are the people in her life trying to tell who she is, who she was, what she’s like, what she does. But everything feels off for Naomi. Nothing feels right. Everything feels different, feels weird.

Ummm... This isn’t the story of one boy and one girl. It’s the story of a girl who feels several different personas and find potential love interests with each persona she adopts. Which one is really her? Who does her heart really belong to? xD

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good read. It's a shame that the ending didn't live up to your expectations. Unfortunately, that is often the case, isn't it? I think this author has written some other books (is she the author of Elsewhere?) Maybe you could check them out.
