Saturday, April 30, 2011


I think i'd like to meet kaitlin burke from secrets of my hollywood life by jen calonita. kaitlin stars as samantha stevens in family affairs a very popular soap opera.
any way she decides she wants to go to school but not as her so she creates rachel rogers and goes to school as her. anyway her soap opera twin sky finds out and rats her out to the press. kaitlin handles this very maturuly and sets every thing right again.
i guess id like to meet kaitlin becuase  she acts like a down to earth celeb and isnt caught up in the fame and fortune like alot of celebs. i think she has good morals and is a very sensible character.....
if only it was a true story.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for trying a different task from the sheet - you are the only one to do this particular one so far! Is this person really the character you would most like to meet??? Sounds a bit like Hannah Montana to me!
