Monday, March 28, 2011

How to Ruin a Summer Vacation by Simone Elkeles

This is one of those books that I don't think I'll be forgetting anytime soon. Though some parts of the book are kind of cliche, it was expressed in quite an interesting way. This book was amazing and I would totally recommend it to people. I give it a 9 and a half for being really interesting.

I think this is the first book I have read that was set in Israel, so I found it quite interesting. Amy Nelson; a 16 year old girl that is sent there by her mother to visit her father. She is a very stubborn girl and she is very hesitant on going to Israel because she thinks her father left her and her mother. It was surprising when her father tried to ignore all her attempts at making him feel bad which ticked Amy off even more. Towards the end of the book, their relationship began to grow, in the most unexpected way ever !.

She is half Jewish, but she doesn't really appreciate that side of her heritage until she meets Avi; an Israeli hottie(in her words) whom I wouldn't mind meeting ;) . Amy's attitude causes people around her to dislike her as much as she dislikes being in Israel. For example, She doesn't get along with Avi very well but towards the end of the story she begins to grow feelings for him. There's just one problem, she has a boyfriend back in America which made it even harder for her to date Avi.

I liked the turn of events that occured in the story which made it much more interesting to read. It was literally hard to put the book down, so I just stayed up till 3am JUST to finish it. That's how much I liked it. The relationship between Avi and Amy was really sweet(even the parts when they were going off at each other).

Simone Elkeles is an awesome writer expressed Amy's feelings really well and clear so that it would be easy to picture the scenes in our heads. This is not the only book in this series, there are 2 more books which I have read and completely fell in love with.

I would recommend this book for people who basically want a good book to read. Maybe it's more of a girl book, but thats just what I think. :D This is a book that won't get out of your mind for long, TRUST ME !.

1 comment:

  1. Good review! I really like reading books with interesting settings and this sounds like one. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Maybe some other readers who like "girl books" will give it a try too!
