Saturday, March 26, 2011

Winter Girls by Laurie Halse Anderson

I had seen this book everywhere, so one day I decided to get it out..
This book only keeps you reading up until the middle. The ending for me was too sudden and lacked a lot of depth.

Winter Girls is a story about Lia and her best friend Cassie who are in a deadly competition with each other, to see who can be the thinnest. But what happens when you reach your goal weight of 98 pounds? You must keep going. On and on, an endless cycle of self destruction, Lia also self harms. Cassie ends up dead in a mysterious hotel room one night and Lia gets haunted by her.

"I breathe in slowly. Food is life. I exhale, take another breath. Food is life. And that's the problem. When you're alive, people can hurt you. It's easier to crawl into a bone cage or a snowdrift of confusion. It's easier to lock everybody out.
But it's a lie."

This book does not seem like fiction at all, more like a first hand account of what it is like to be anorexic.
I have spoken to some people about this book and they found it too gruesome and disturbing, I actually thought it was fine but if you are easily grossed out, this book might not be the one for you.

I would say this book is still worth a read, again if you don't mind the detailed accounts of cutting and anorexia, it was interesting to find out how Lia feels throughout the story. 
7 out of 10.


1 comment:

  1. Well, it sounds as if this book is dealing with some very big and complex issues. It is a shame that the ending did not satisfy you as a reader - just goes to show how important a good ending is to our enjoyment of a book, doesn't it? I think you were wise to warn people about the content as some people really might find this book disturbing.
