Monday, March 14, 2011

The Undys by Michael Wagner

I chose this book the same way as I chose the previous book, by strolling around the library looking for a book that would stand out and catch my attention. And I must say this book really did get my attention. The books title, 'The Undys' sounded similar to 'undies' and the letter 'U' in the title was in a shape of underwear, this gave me the impression that it would be a humorous book.
The strong bond between that the boy had with his father was heart warming and made me feel more appreciative of my father and what he does to me. The illustration throughout the book was also great as it had a cartoony style to it and it was quite creative as it gave you a 'award' at the end of each chapter. I would like to say that the good points would list on....but it doesn't that is basically all for me. It might be beacause the book was aimed at a much younger age than mine. The plot was too straight-forward with Josh and his Father playing various father and son games throughout the book.
I would rate this book 5-6 out of ten for me as i couldn't enjoy the book very much as it is for younger children. The drawings was entertaining and I probably paid more attention to it more than the story! So in conclusion unless you are around 8 years old or would like a very easy book to read with a predictable plot i would recommend you to not grab this book despite its attractive cover.

1 comment:

  1. Why are you reading a book that is aimed at children much younger than you are??? Managing self means making appropriate choices. Get it right next time please.
