Tuesday, March 29, 2011

THE WORLD AT HER FINGER TIPS the story of Hellen Keller by Joan Dash

Now I read this book 2 years ago so this review is written from memory. Reason why I didn't write about my most recent book from the library is because it wasn't really interesting and didn't have time to finish it. Head was caught up in family issues.

So The World at her Finger tips is Helen Keller's biography, a woman who was a healthy born baby "The beginning of my life was simple, I conquered, as the first baby in the family always does" [Quote by Helen]. But when she was 19 months (1 year 7 months hehe just incase) she was hit with a horrible fever called 'acute congestion of the stomach and the brain'. It left as suddenly as it came. You think that's the end of it but then Helen's eyesight slowly fades. They realize that she is deaf too. After this dreadful time in her life she never experiences a simple life.
Helen grows up doing things the way she wanted to do them. For example, one thing that has never left my mind, is that when Helen would eat her meals, instead of using a knife and fork, she used her hands and would make a mess by sticking her hands into other peoples plates. She lived the first few years of her life like a savage, having touch as her only way to communicate, for that was all she knew. Her family thought it would be 'cruel' to discipline her.
Helen knew that other people had the ability to talk to one another, something she couldn't do. This thought made her furious and this side of her was uncontrollable because she was physically strong and wild. Helen's family hires a teacher in the hope to stop this behavior. A girl named Annie Sulliven is sent over. Annie teaches Helen what a word is and that everything has a name. Annie opens the world up to Helen and this is just the beginning of a wonderful relationship. This book is about Helen's birth, death and everything in between.

This story is about her growing up trapped in her own world but being able to do everyday things in life. Every time she learnt something new it was challenging. Every time we learn something new its a challenge but of course for us it isn't always much of a hill to climb. For Helen Keller everything was a steep hill that she strives to get over. This book bought tears to my eyes, simply because Joan Dash's explanation of Helen Keller's life growing up, makes you think how the hell someone survived like that. Trapped in their own little world with nothing to sway or bob your head to and nothing to gaze at with wonder and amazement.
Helen Keller inspires me to keep doing things that your determined to do and don't let the fact that you're incapable in someway bring you down, because you will always find a way to conquer that steep hill.
Would give this book 8/10


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Miss, I can assure you this is my response and my response only :). Though sorry if its a little bit off, memory isn't that great.

  3. Thanks for the review. It must have made an impact on you if you remember it so well after two years. As far as the other book that you didn't like goes, you don't have to write a positive review. If you are reading something that you're not enjoying, stick with it but try to think critically about WHY you aren't enjoying it. Are the characters unappealing? Is the pace too slow? Is it unbelievable or badly written? Then write a negative review, explaining why you would NOT recommend the book. Of course, someone else might read it and come to a different conclusion -and that's fine too!

  4. I forgot to say that this is the first review of a biography (rather than a work of fiction) on the blog, so that's good too!

  5. Thanks miss. Next time I come across a book that doesn't appeal to me i'l read it and write what I honestly think about it.
