Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Thirteenth Child by Patricia C. Wrede

just letting everyone know I had this written at 7:30 with roughly 1500 words but the blog is stupid and didn’t save or publish so you will have to make do with the not as good and shorter substitute one that I had to do again. ):

so I was at the library while the had the teenage book club thing going on and one of the books they were reading was the thirteenth child and it looked interesting and by what they were saying it was full of magic ,love and all about finding yourself I though it sounded interesting. So I got it out :)

This story is the history of America expanding and colonizing with the help from magic. Magic is a part of there history.

In Avrupan magic all the numbers and all things to do with magical sets were devised by Pythagoras.  So the seventh son is very powerful and the seventh son of a seventh son is even more powerful. Papa is the seventh son and Lan is the double seven.  Is a twin, he is the youngest of fourteen this means his twin is the 13th child. Eff. she is supposedly going to be a terrible child and will grow up to create havoc and someday destroy her world.

Eff grows up being hated by her relatives the only one who loves her are her parents and her twin brother Lan. Eff doesn’t really know her elder brothers and sisters as some are already married or off studying at college.

when papa gets a job as a professor of magic at the school on the frontier where the land grant college is papa decides to move the family out there. no one knows Eff is the thirteenth child.

from the time Eff is 5 till when she begins training at 9 years of age very little happens other than meeting William-her best friend, getting rheumatic fever and staying home for one year, and Lan getting his powers.

when Eff goes back to school she is now in Williams’s year as she must stay back there friend ship is stronger than ever and this really annoys her because her brother kinda mocks her about not getting her powers. she begins to loathe him because he is perfect and she knows she never will be.

when Eff begins her magic training initially she is very good but when she explodes at her sisters wedding at an uncle who has always looked down on her she begins to suppress her magic. her teacher knows she is the 13th child but she doesn’t care this women is one of the only people who believes in her. during these lessons although Eff cant do magic she is very good at theory and learns about sensing magic weaving magic feeling magic and seeing things for what they could be rather for what they are.

Eff grows up and then one spring when Eff is probably about 13 the bugs come. they have protective magical measures for this but nothing seems to work. they disappear and they think that that is the last of them until the reappear next spring and they are stronger than ever.

the courthouse knows they must do something to stop but what the bugs seem to be immune to magic. they find out that there is one settlement that hasn’t been affected by these bugs. they want to visit this settlement but there is only one problem. they do not like magicians and completely hate magic.

when all hope seems lost Eff knows the answer her sister lives in this settlement. her sister ran off five years ago to live with her husband. she doesn’t do magic anymore. papa thinks that if they take this first and for mostly as a family visit the magicians will be allowed to enter. papa, Lan and Eff go to visit Reenie and her family.

after a week of no progress a man comes for help taking papa and Lan to help at a near by settlement overwhelmed by bugs and they don’t return by mid afternoon, Eff knows something is wrong and takes William and her guide to check it out. what they find is hundreds of millions of bugs attacking the magic because you see they are attracted to magic rather than immune to it.

Eff knows she must do something but she can’t do magic. when she feels her brother Lan calling for help she takes a stand and feels the magic and reads it and weaves it to stop the bugs attacking. she does this with unbelievably strong power and is able to stop the bugs. she saves her brother, papa, friend and a whole settlement.

Eff is praised and honored by many in the settlement and in many on the way back to her home. she knows what she wants to do with her life now.
it is also hinted she and William like each other. oh la la. (:

this is an amazing book and filled with magic and love and amazingly strong courage and power. I love love love this book and it’s really heart warming. I recommend this book to anyone who loves magical stories and who think they have a bad life because the latter will see a girl who had the worst life possible, was looked down on and was always told she wasn’t good enough but she made her life what she wanted not what others thought it should be. I give this book a 10/10 because it is written very cleverly and really engages the reader.
amazing book. (: (: (:

the story of a girl who defied the odds and beat all of them.

I can’t wait till the second book in the series comes out. across the great barrier. It comes out in august so when i've read it I will do a book review on it.

read this book it is so good and so amazing.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a very unusual and interesting book, Jacqui, and you obviously loved it. I especially like the way you have described what you like about it - it obviously really moved you. I hope other readers in the class will give it a try.
